PPFN Volunteers

The Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria (PPFN) is a national non-governmental organization promoting Reproductive Health (RH) in Nigeria.  As a full member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), PPFN has expanded the scope of its programmes beyond family planning to cover broad reproductive health, emphasizing the needs of adolescents and young people and safe motherhood.

PPFN Volunteers

PPFN's volunteers are individuals in the community moved by social responsibility instinct, content with PPFN's vision, mission and activities and are in a position to offer selfless services in furtherance of the attainment of PPFN's objects. Volunteers come from all cultures, groups, gender, professions, age categories, race, ethnic groups, etc.

Description of PPFN's Volunteers

The volunteers are registered subscription-paying individuals with voting rights, who contribute to PPFN's policy formulation and provide programme inputs and support.

PPFN is currently Calling for Involvement in Social Responsibility: JOIN NOW AS A VOLUNTEER AND MEMBER OF OUR GRASS-ROOTS, NATIONAL NON-PROFIT, NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATION AND BECOME AN ADVOCATE AND CHAMPION OF REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH AND FAMILY PLANNING........To join, clink on the link below to download Membership application form and Instruction document